
Hope rsgallery2 lightbox by VisualLightBox.com v6.0m

Just do what you can to live in peace, to save a soul from death as if you saved the whole world.

I came to Canada as a refugee. I used to work as a high school English teacher in Homs, Syria. I was forced to leave my home because of the war and decided to go Jordan with my sister, who was in a wheelchair, and my cat.

We had to travel through the dessert because the solider regime patrols the highway so I paid someone everything I had to take us across the dessert to Jordan. When we arrived at the border, they didn’t allow us to enter. My sister had been wounded through fire and we had to wait for 28 days in the dessert with a few bags filled with our things and two bottles of water. When we finally arrived in Jordan, my sister was rushed to the hospital and passed away 21 days later.

I was reunited with the rest of my family in Jordan but still felt depressed from the loss of my sister. From everything we’d gone through together, I realized that there was a big need to support more wounded people and from my sister’s passing, I knew there would be other people that needed help so I decided to work with refugees and wounded people.

I started working for a small volunteer project called Murhaba, in English it means hello. I worked with teachers and psychologists to help wounded people or refugees and make a connection with them. After that, I went on to work with two non-profit organizations that helped with mental health and psychosocial activities like domestic violence, anger management, and women and child support. 

I'd go to the camp in the morning for my job but would stay later to volunteer and help people.

Help finally came for me and I got a call from the UN and they told me I had been chosen to be a Canadian immigrant. My mom and my brothers came shortly after I arrived here. Canada is a dream for anyone in the world because it is improvement with education, jobs, safety, and dignity so I feel lucky.

When I got here, I volunteered with Regina Open Door and I worked with schools that have lots of Syrian students to support the children and explain to them how school works here and give the teachers support. I worked that for about 4-5 months and now I work with Open Door for a program called Kids First. I'm happy with that because I work with a person who knows I'm a refugee but respect my skills and education and it’s helping me to learn to be independent.

I’m happy to live here because we are saved, but you can't cut your roots easily. Maybe if I had come from a normal situation it would be different but everyday I hear the news from my country that there is blood and victims and that makes me so stressed out. I can't separate what I hear about my country because it’s very sad and it's the world's responsibility to solve this war by agreement to save the children and their families.

I hope that Canada brings more refugees here and helps to stop the war in Syria.

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